A New Vision for Tennessee:

Health Care for All

-Health care is a human right, not a commodity to be paid for, and it's time our government treated it like one

-Expanding the ACA is the bare minimum, we need guaranteed free at point of care healthcare for all Tennesseans

-Expansion of Community Health Centers in rural and underserved communities

-Abolition of Medical Debt

-Stop using our state's housing fund to line the pockets of real-estate developers

-Demanding more funding for public housing

-Rent stabilization and eviction protections

Housing For All

-20 Dollar Minimum Wage Today

-Mandating Paid Sick Leave

-Expanding Protections For 'Gig Workers'

-Repealing 'Right to Work'

Better Wages, Now!

-Expanding the background checks requirement, to prevent prohibited people from buying guns with no questions asked

-Enact Extreme Risk Protection Orders (Red Flag laws), which can help prevent firearm suicide and mass shootings.

-Robust public funding in your state for localized violence intervention programs that support people at the highest risk of being shot and killed.s

Preventing Gun Violence

-Removing barriers to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

-Free School Lunch and Breakfast

-Public Option Grocery Stores to combat food deserts

Ending Hunger

-Support the Fundamental Right to Reproductive Health Care Act, an individual’s right to obtain a safe, legal abortion

- Access to contraceptives and age appropriate sexual education

- Reducing maternal mortality, recognizing the need to address mental and physical health across the life course—starting with young girls and adolescents and extending through childbearing age

Abortion Rights
Ending Mass Incarceration

-Ending Cash Bail in Tennessee

-Legalizing Marijuana

-Ending School-to-Prison Pipeline with Restorative Justice

-Democracy comes from people, not money, and we need politicians who act like it

-Accepting ZERO dollars of corporate pack donations while fighting to make them illegal

Campaign Finance Reform