Running with ZERO corporate or PAC donations

Fighting for working class Tennesseans

Nick Forster-Benson TN 56 Tennessee state house primary Democratic primary Tennessee 56 Aug 1 Primary Tennessee state house. Nick forster benson and Bob Freeman. Bob Freeman for state house Nick Forsterbenson for state house Nicholas Forster benson running for state house district 56 primary democratic tn 56 primary nick forster-benson

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About Nick:

A lifelong Tennessean, Nick is a student and researcher of economics, public policy, and social inequality at Vanderbilt University. As a student, community leader, and candidate, his biggest priorities are tackling Tennessee's housing, healthcare, and hunger crises. Nick has experience working for the Tennessee Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. While Nick loves conducting policy research, he knows the only way to make real change is to go out and run for it — and that's why he needs your support for District 56!

Over half of all Nashvillians, including more than 70 percent of low-income residents are housing burdened, spending more than 35% of their income on Housing.

Affordable Housing
Ending Hunger in TN

This year's Vanderbilt Child Health Poll shows that over 40% of Tennessee families report they are food insecure ― a similar proportion from last year. Most families (71%) say they have continued to change food spending habits due to high prices.

Issues that matter

A quarter of Tennesseans have medical debt, the 10th highest rate in the country. Furthermore, Tennessee's unwillingness to expand medicaid has led to the state having one of the highest rates of uninsured patients.

Abortion Rights and Women's Health
20 Dollar Minimum Wage
Common Sense Gun Laws
Environmental and Climate Justice
Health Care for All

Guns are the No. 1 cause of death for Tennessee children. With the 12th highest rate of gun violence in the country, nearly 1,400 children and adults in Tennessee are killed by guns each year.

Protect Unions and the Right to Organize
Campaign Finance Reform
Guaranteed Paid Sick Leave

What Issues Matter To You?

I represent people, not money, so if you have something on your mind, let's talk! Click the "Let's Meet" button to schedule a one-on-one Zoom where we can talk about local issues or just get to know each other.

Isn't that how our democracy is supposed to work?